Online and in-person courses focused on developing Transition Leadership competencies. ASI offers course development, design, and instruction to academic and non-academic partners.

A peer network for sustainability professionals who want to be part of a community of practitioners working to accelerate climate action within their organizations.

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Research focused on Transition Leadership and climate action workforce development.

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A promotional graphic for an exclusive Members Network event titled "Tools for Multisolving with Dr. Elizabeth Sawin," on October 3, 2024, from 12-1 pm PT / 3-4 pm ET. Featuring ASI and Multisolving Institute logos, the graphic depicts three people collaborating.

Members Network: Tools for Multisolving with Dr. Elizabeth Sawin

In today’s complex world, sustainability leaders are increasingly required to think beyond single-issue solutions. The challenges we face—ranging from climate change to social inequality—are interconnected, and require a multidimensional approach. This is where multisolving comes into play, a strategy that allows leaders to address multiple goals within a single initiative.

For instance, leaders should consider:

  • How can improving energy efficiency also benefit health and economic equity?
  • How can preparing for high heat days also protect biodiversity?
  • What kind of leaders are needed to build trust and collaborate across silos to implement projects with multiple benefits?


In this interactive webinar we will explore the concept of multisovling – addressing multiple goals in a single project. You’ll also get to try out tools and activities to apply multisolving in your own work.

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About the Multisovling Institute

Multisolving Institute is the leading global organization making the case for addressing climate change, equity, health, well-being, and biodiversity in an integrated fashion and the trusted source for inspiration, ideas, and tools for multisolving.

About Elizabeth Sawin

Dr. Elizabeth Sawin is Director of Multisolving Institute and an expert on solutions that address equity, health, biodiversity, economic vitality, climate change, and well-being as integrated issues. Beth has dedicated her career to the theory and practice of creating change in complex systems. She trained in system dynamics computer simulation with Donella Meadows at Sustainability Institute and co-founded the think tank Climate Interactive to develop tools for grappling with the complexity of the climate system.

Beth writes and speaks about multisolving and leadership in complex systems for both national and international audiences. Her writing has been published in Non-Profit Quarterly, The Stanford Social Innovation Review, U. S. News, The Daily Climate, and System Dynamics Review. Her work has been widely covered including in the New York Times and the Washington Post.  Her book Multisolving: Creating Systems Change in a Fractured World will be published by Island Press in late 2024. She holds a Ph.D. from MIT.

Beth has two adult daughters and lives in rural Vermont where she and her husband grow as much of their food as they can manage.