Online and in-person courses focused on developing Transition Leadership competencies. ASI offers course development, design, and instruction to academic and non-academic partners.

A peer network for sustainability professionals who want to be part of a community of practitioners working to accelerate climate action within their organizations.

Workshops, facilitation, eLearning modules, and other customized support to help gain clarity and alignment with your stakeholders.

Research focused on Transition Leadership and climate action workforce development.

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Climate Action & Transition Leadership

A group of four people in casual attire are gathered around a table having a discussion on climate issues. Two of them are standing while holding coffee mugs, and two are leaning on the table. Papers, notebooks, and pens are scattered across the table.

Course Overview

Next Offerings: 

  • November 4 – December 1, 2024
  • June 2 – June 29, 2025

Offered in partnership with Royal Roads University, this course showcases how outdated models of leadership have contributed to the climate crisis. You will explore ASI’s six Transition Leadership competency domains that will provide the framework to help you lead and work in a way that benefits both people and the planet.

Learning Outcomes

A woman wearing a teal hijab and beige blazer is smiling and discussing climate initiatives with a man wearing glasses and a white turtleneck sweater. The man is seated, gesturing with his hand. They are in an office setting with bookshelves in the background.

Curriculum & Structure


What is Transition Leadership?

  • Transform our perspectives on leadership.
  • Frame & reframe climate challenges.
  • Storytelling for meaningful change. 


Cultivating Inclusive Mindsets & Pathways

  • Frame & reframe our leadership roles.
  • Practices for decolonizing leadership.
  • Incorporate Indigenous perspectives.


Convening Dialogue: From Possibility to Action

  • Examine models of collective leadership.
  • Leverage positive social dynamics.
  • Leadership in times of crisis.


Fostering Resilience

  • Build personal & professional resilience.
  • Map our resilience cycles.
  • Support for collective climate action work.
This course is 25 learning hours of combined synchronous and asynchronous course materials.
Synchronous Learning

Weekly Live Discussions

There are 4 live Zoom meetings for participants to discuss the weekly pre-recorded lessons and readings.


Synchronous dates to be announced.


Tome of day to be announced.

Asynchronous Learning

Learning on Your Own Time

Asynchronous activities happen weekly and are meant to be completed on your own time. Activities include:

Watching recorded lessons

Reading curated resources

Engaging in discussion forums

Completing assignments

Assignments & Assessments

The assessment of Climate Action and Transition Leadership is a pass/fail. Assessment comprises of:


Participation Marks: Participation in weekly discussion forums, exercises, and live Zoom sessions.


Final Assignment: Participants will submit either a paper, presentation, blog or video on a topic related to the course.