A peer network for sustainability professionals who want to be part of a community of practitioners working to accelerate climate action within their organizations.
Workshops, facilitation, eLearning modules, and other customized support to help gain clarity and alignment with your stakeholders.
Research focused on Transition Leadership and climate action workforce development.
Stay informed about ASI’s most recent news, blogs, reports, and publications.
The Youth Environmental Leaders Learning Lab, developed in collaboration with The Starfish Canada, is a 5-session program for approximately 25 youth, ages 18-30, to build relationships with one another across the country, learn new concepts that will support their leadership journey, and help to progress their career in environmentalism.
Our first iteration of this program is now complete. If you are interested in our next offering or would like to discuss how to modify this program for your organization please contact us or subscribe below.
The content of the sessions will include personal leadership, interpersonal skills and systems change frameworks – within the context of climate action and sustainability.
Connections & Context
Recognize climate change and sustainability in a systems context, and explore and practice different models of systems change.
Self in System
Assess the interplay between “self” and “system;” examine social location, power dynamics, and complexities of self-care; identify personal values and interests that align with what’s needed in the context of climate action.
Communication & Conflict
Differentiate between harm and conflict; practice methods for communicating climate work to various audiences; examine and perform various roles in conflict facilitation and management.
Storytelling & Envisioning Futures
Construct a vision/story of the future (2080) through creative images and story; understand the concept of a “just transition,” envision alternative futures, and build relationships to foster collaborative change.
Presenting Ideas & Sharing Feedback
Communicate a project idea, gather peer feedback, envision personal change, and integrate program learnings.
Our newsletter is for anyone interested in the role leadership plays to inspire positive change and create value for people, the planet, and business.
ASI is a registered Canadian charity.
Charitable Business Registration Number: 789760675R R0001
© 2020 - 2025 Academy for Sustainable Innovation