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A woman stands smiling near a wall adorned with posters. Text on the image reads: "Member Spotlight, Aish Mann, Sustainability Graduate, Kwantlen Polytechnic University". Additional text mentions the Academy for Sustainable Innovation and Members Network.

Member Spotlight: Meet Aish Mann, Sustainability Graduate

Meet Aish Mann, a bright and passionate graduate of Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Green Business and Sustainability Management program! Originally from Malaysia’s lush landscapes, Aish brings a unique perspective and has thrived in Canada’s vibrant environmental community. Her move from Malaysia to Canada has infused her with various international experiences and insights, inspiring her to promote and foster sustainable practices for a better world.

Since graduating, Aish has continued her commitment to environmental stewardship, notably through her contributions to Threading Change. Here, she applies her research on textiles and circular fashion to the real world by organizing community-centric clothing swap events and advocating for sustainable fashion. She integrates ethical and ecological considerations into daily life and broader industry standards. Her hands-on experience in various environmental initiatives, coupled with a keen interest in creating a circular economy, impact investing, and spurring innovation to accelerate clean technology transition, showcases her drive for inclusive and impactful change.

As she steps into her professional career, Aish is determined to leverage her unique blend of academic knowledge and practical experience to make a tangible impact on environmental sustainability. Her journey, characterized by a continuous quest to learn, adapt, and contribute, marks her as a dedicated advocate for a sustainable and equitable future.

We interviewed Aish to share her thoughts on sustainability, climate action, and leadership. Read the short interview below!

Q: Where do you draw hope from in the context of sustainability and climate action?

Aish Mann: “My hope stems from the rich tapestry of experiences I carry from my home in Malaysia and the vibrant, dedicated community I’ve found in Canada. The innovative spirit and resilience I’ve witnessed, particularly among the youth, fuel my optimism. Being actively involved in various environmental initiatives has shown me the power of collective efforts and diverse perspectives in driving meaningful change. The global commitment to environmental stewardship, especially the enthusiasm and creativity of younger generations seen at events like COP28, reinforces my belief that a sustainable future is not just a vision, but an achievable reality.”

Q: What does leadership mean to you?

Aish Mann:
”Leadership in the environmental sector, to me, means inspiring action and fostering collaboration. It’s about empowering individuals to contribute their unique ideas and strengths. True leadership involves listening, adapting, and being as open to learning as to teaching. As part of a new generation of leaders, my aim is to foster connections, share knowledge, and collaboratively work towards our common environmental goals. Moving from academia to professional life, I believe that effective leadership is key to merging diverse insights and driving collective action for a sustainable world.”

Q: How do you see the role of leadership evolving as we transition to a low-carbon, socially-inclusive economy?

Aish Mann: “In the transition to a low-carbon, socially-inclusive economy, I envision leadership evolving towards greater empathy, inclusivity, and visionary thinking. Future leaders must adeptly balance economic objectives with environmental sustainability and social equity. This demands a deep understanding of diverse global contexts, alongside a steadfast commitment to innovation and ethical decision-making. My experiences, from participating in global forums to grassroots community initiatives, underscore the necessity for leaders who are adaptable, culturally aware, and dedicated to ensuring a just and sustainable future for all.”

About ASI’s Members Network

ASI’s Members Network was created to support those wishing to steward sustainable change within their organizations. A place for person-to-person connection to help deepen our understanding of leadership mindsets, capacities, and practices that can help us steer the transition to a low-carbon, socially-inclusive future.

We recognize that for any meaningful change to happen, these discussions need to be a collective effort. That’s why we created the network – to connect sustainability professionals to a community of support so we can learn from one another and enact organizational change.


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