Online and in-person courses focused on developing Transition Leadership competencies. ASI offers course development, design, and instruction to academic and non-academic partners.

A peer network for sustainability professionals who want to be part of a community of practitioners working to accelerate climate action within their organizations.

Workshops, facilitation, eLearning modules, and other customized support to help gain clarity and alignment with your stakeholders.

Research focused on Transition Leadership and climate action workforce development.

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Member Spotlight: Meet Nancy Prevost-Maurice, Co-Founder of The Nulla Project

Meet Nancy Prevost-Maurice, a creative soul on a mission to make the world a better place! She is driven by a love for sustainability and a fierce spirit that challenges norms. Currently, she is rocking her way through a Master of Arts in Climate Action Leadership at Royal Roads University. Nancy isn’t just learning; she’s also putting her knowledge to work as a Work-Integrated Learning Framework Developer where she explores new avenues for experiential learning and provides dedicated support for students attending Royal Roads University.

In 2019, Nancy joined forces with her cousin Caroline to create The Nulla Project, which replaces single-use coffee cups, glasses, and containers with reusable ones. Their goal? To sustain the to-go culture on Vancouver Island in an eco-friendly manner while tackling the issue of disposable item waste.

Following a cross-country journey in 2017, Nancy found her happy place in Victoria, BC,  immersing herself in the laid-back West Coast vibe. Balancing her busy schedule, you’ll find her practicing yoga, spending time with friends, and cozying up with her feline buddy, Sergeant Pepper.

We had the opportunity to ask Nancy to share her thoughts on climate action, sustainability, and leadership. Read her short interview below!

Q: Where do you draw hope from in the context of sustainability and climate action?

Nancy Prevost-Maurice: I might be one of those positive people who see good everywhere! Of course, I am aware of the climate crisis and how bad things are, but I am also hopeful that people will soon realize how connected we are to the natural world and start acting better/differently. I also see tons of youth initiatives and grassroots movements, and that warms my heart.

Q: What does leadership mean to you?

Nancy Prevost-Maurice: Is it too cliché to mention leading by example? In my opinion, a great leader elevates others and prioritizes collaboration in all projects. Leadership entails caring for both the cause and the people involved, and it requires a significant amount of listening and learning (even re-learning). I believe in having many voices at the table when decisions are made.

Q: How do you see the role of leadership evolving as we transition to a low-carbon, socially-inclusive economy?

Nancy Prevost-Maurice: I envision leaders everywhere! Young and old community members making a difference in their spaces without the expectations created by capitalism. I see lots of knowledge sharing and people spending more time outside in nature.

About ASI’s Members Network

ASI’s Members Network was born to support those wishing to steward sustainable change within their organizations. A place for peer-to-peer connection to talk candidly about shifting organizational dynamics and adopting leadership models that support the transition to a sustainable future. 

We understand the importance of collective efforts in bringing about meaningful change. That’s why we created the network – to connect sustainability professionals to a community of support so we can learn from one another to enact organizational change.


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